The Tiny House Colibri : the opinion of Cathy, responsible for

This week we met Cathy, a new Tiny house enthusiast. She chose Quadrapol’s Colibri, a 23.5 m2 Tiny with two mezzanines that can accommodate up to 4 people. We asked him about his lifestyle, his motivations and the advantages of living in a Tiny house.

Why did you choose to live in a Tiny house?

There are two of us and we were living in a 115m2 apartment at the time. We had children who came to visit us from time to time but not enough to take full advantage of such a large area. We wanted to invest in a space of our own. The Tiny house was an affordable investment. In addition, we were spending a lot of money on electricity and water. Since we live in our Tiny Colibri, we spend maximum 40€ of electricity per month, a godsend!

How did you manage your wardrobe when you lived in such a large space?

It was difficult at the beginning because we had to separate our things, but you know, you quickly realize how many things you have that you never put on… Even if we studied with Quadrapol the possible arrangements to arrange our interior space, we still had to separate ourselves from a lot of things. Finally, it’s not so bad! We still managed to keep many cases.

Why did you choose Quadrapol?

We were in front of the TV watching a report on Tiny houses and we started to look for information on the web. We found quite a few manufacturers but when we saw the prices of Quadrapol, we decided to take the plunge and find out more. The Tiny House Colibri seemed to us to be the ideal model to consider living in, which is why we chose it. We then got in touch, then we went to Carpentras to see it in real life and we fell in love with it!

Did you decide to design the interior differently?

We made some small adjustments, especially to be able to store our clothes, but overall, we trusted Quadrapol and we do not regret it. Our Tiny was delivered quickly, fully equipped for about 36 800€ TTC.

How did you settle in?

We live in the Maritime Alps in the middle of the mountains. At the beginning, we decided to talk to the mayor and when we told him that we wanted to live in a house on wheels, it is true that he was a little doubtful. We participate in the life of the village thanks to our grocery store and we also have a company on site called Relais Cyclo-Rando. So the mayor trusted us without any problem.

It is now our main residence and we are very happy with it. We recommend this experience because in addition to being an affordable investment that quickly pays for itself, we really feel like we’re entering a cozy cocoon and it’s so nice. The proof! I’m in a T shirt while it’s approximately -10 at night. It’s the best!

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